Course curriculum

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    Welcome to the NICP Specialized Topics - CPTED for Houses of Worship Course

    • Welcome to the NICP CPTED for Houses of Worship Course

    • CPTED for Houses of Worship Course Agenda

    • How to Navigate This Course

    • Important Technical Information About the Online Courses

    • NICP Academic Integrity Policy

    • Academic Integrity Policy Agreement

    • Assignment Information

    • CPTED Library

    • CPTED Specialized Topics Course - CPTED for Houses of Worship Course Manual

    • CPTED for Houses of Worship Module Quizzes and Final Exam Review Guide - Word Version

    • CPTED for Houses of Worship Module Quizzes and Final Exam Review Guide - PDF Version

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    Module 1 : Dangers and Threats Faced by Houses of Worship- Past and Present

    • What is a House of Worship?

    • Threats Faced by Houses of Worship

    • Selected Violent Incidents in Houses of Worship

    • Deadly Incidents in Houses of Worship

    • Quiz: Threats to Houses of Worship

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    Module 2: Primary CPTED Concepts for Houses of Worship

    • CPTED for Houses of Worship: Primary Concepts

    • Primary CPTED Concepts Quiz

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    Module 3: Secondary CPTED Concepts for Houses of Worship

    • CPTED for Houses of Worship: Secondary Concepts

    • Secondary CPTED Concepts Quiz

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    Project 1: House of Worship Charrette

    • CPTED for Houses of Worship: Recommendations Charrette Overview

    • Project 1: Houses of Worship Recommendation Charrette Assignment

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    Module 4: Significant Events - Lessons Learned from Previous Mass Casualty Incidents in Houses of Worship

    • Significant Events - Lessons Learned from Previous Mass Casualty Incidents in Houses of Worship

    • Target Hardening Trends in Houses of Worship Design

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    Module 5: Social Management for Houses of Worship

    • Social Management for Houses of Worship

    • Social Management Quiz

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    Module 6: Conducting a CPTED Site Survey for Houses of Worship

    • Assessment Tools

    • Conducting a CPTED Site Survey for a House of Worship

    • Conducting A CPTED Site Survey Quiz

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    Module 7: Conducting a CPTED Site Review for Houses of Worship

    • Conducting a CPTED Site Review for Houses of Worship

    • Conducting a CPTED Site Review Quiz

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    Project 2: Conducting A Blueprint Site Review Charrette

    • Blueprint Exercise Overview

    • Navigating PDF Blueprints

    • Blueprints

    • Site Plan Review Project Assignment Submission

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    Project 2: Blueprint Project Exercise Results

    • Project 2: Blueprint Project Exercise Results

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    Additional Resources

    • NICP CPTED Network

    • The US CPTED Association

    • Certificate Information

    • The CPTED Professional Designation (CPD)

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    CPTED Specialized Topics - Houses of Worship Final Exam

    • CPD Renewal

    • CPTED Specialized Topics - Houses of Worship Final Exam