Training On Your Schedule

All NICP online CPTED Courses are on demand, go at your own pace, & there are no deadlines for completion.

Internationally Recognized

All of the NICP’s CPTED courses are open to participants worldwide and provides the opportunity to earn our CPTED Professional Designation (CPD). The CPD is recognized internationally and currently there are CPTED Professional Designation holders on six continents. Looking forward to adding Antarctica to the list!

Course curriculum

  • 1

    CPTED Mini Course Introduction to Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED)

    • Welcome to the CPTED Mini Course Introduction to CPTED

    • How to Navigate This Course

    • Introduction to CPTED

    • NICP CPTED Training Trifold

    • NICP CPD Information Card

    • The US CPTED Association

CPTED Mini Course Information

  • This mini course covers a brief introduction to CPTED, information about the NICP's CPTED training options and the CPTED Professional Designation (CPD) credential program.

  • There are no assignments, quizzes, or exams in this mini course.

  • This mini course is for informational purposes only, and no certificate will be awarded.


  • Does this course count toward the NICP's CPTED Professional Designation (CPD) renewal?

    No, this is a stand alone mini course that focuses on providing positive and negative examples illustrating the 4 principles of CPTED: natural access control, natural surveillance, territorial reinforcement, and maintenance. The course is designed to completed in 60 -90 minutes.

  • How is the course curriculum presented?

    The course information is presented in a presentation format with audio to provide greater detail. This course is primarily visual examples of real-world CPTED opportunities and implementations, with some review of the four main principles of CPTED.

  • Are there any graded components for this course?

    No, this is a purely informational course to provide more real-world examples of CPTED applications and can be used as a review of the four main CPTED principles. There is no certificate provided for this course.


President/Lead CPTED Instructor

Art Hushen

Art Hushen is the President/Owner of the National Institute of Crime Prevention (NICP, Inc.), a global training and consulting company specializing in Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design. (CPTED) The NICP maintains the nationally recognized CPTED Professional Designation (CPD) Program. Prior to the creation of NICP, Inc., Art was assigned to the Tampa Police Department’s Special Operations Bureau / CPTED Section where he was instrumental in the creation of the Department’s CPTED Unit and Tampa’s first CPTED Ordinance for the Westshore Business District, which is the largest Business District in Florida. He implemented the CPTED review process for the Tampa Parks Department Greenways and Trails Master Plan. He worked with the Tampa Housing Authority on their Hope VI program and was part of the task force implementing design guidelines. He completed the CPTED review process for the West Tampa Overlay District, East Tampa Overlay District, and the Tampa Lighting Initiative. Art also completed the City of Tampa’s Downtown Security Guideline requirements under the Mayor of Tampa’s Downtown Initiative. He implemented CPTED strategies into security and design reviews of commercial buildings, schools, multi family housing, and residential communities. Art implemented similar strategies in zoning ordinances, land use development, public transportation, and roadway design through traffic calming. He has conducted numerous CPTED site reviews and security surveys for the City ofTampa as well as for the National Institute of Crime Prevention. As President of NICP, Inc. he continues a similar process of implementing CPTED concepts and strategies at a national level through training programs and consulting with various government, private sector, and nonprofit groups. Through the implementation of the CPTED Professional Designation (CPD) Program the NICP has set a standard for professional recognition for those earning the CPD. Art received his Crime Prevention Practitioner Certification and CPTED Designation through the Florida Crime Prevention Training Institute where he assisted in the creation of the Advanced CPTED program, the State standards for the CPTED Designation, Critical Infrastructure and CPTED, Making Schools Safe by Design program, CPTED for Hospitals, and Lighting for Safety He is the lead CPTED instructor for the Florida Attorney General’s Office specializing in Basic & Advanced CPTED, and Advanced CPTED Topics. Art is also an instructor for D-PREP, LLC specializing in Basic and Advanced CPTED. Art holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in Criminology from the University of South Florida. Art is the past Chairman of the Florida Design Out Crime Association (FLDOCA), Past Board Member of the International Society of Crime Prevention Practitioners (ISCPP), Past Board Member of the International CPTED Association (ICA) and is a member of ASIS International and previously served on the ASIS Physical Security Council. Art has conducted seminars and training through the United States and has been a guest speaker / trainer in Canada, South America, the Caribbean, the United Kingdom, and Europe. Art is a recipient of the Florida Design Out Crime Association Lifetime Achievement Award.

Course Reviews

5 star rating

CPTED Mini Course Introduction to CPTED

Alex Wing

This course gave me a nice foundation to start

This course gave me a nice foundation to start

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5 star rating

Great course

Joseph Iapaolo

5 star rating

Really good overview of CPTED with practical examples!

Denise Rambow

5 star rating

Very informative

Sarfraz Nawaz

Very informative

Very informative

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5 star rating

Excellent Intro

Michael Magrey

Right amount of time and content

Right amount of time and content

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