Training On Your Schedule

Both of the online CPTED Courses included in the CPTED Professional Designation Bundle are on demand, go at your own pace, & there are no deadlines for completion.

Internationally Recognized

All of the NICP’s CPTED courses are open to participants worldwide and provides the opportunity to earn our CPTED Professional Designation (CPD). The CPD is recognized internationally and currently there are CPTED Professional Designation holders on six continents. Looking forward to adding Antarctica to the list!

Course Requirements

  • All course curriculum must be completed and section quizzes passed with a minimum score of 80%.

  • The Basic CPTED course includes 2 graded hands-on activities

  • The Basic CPTED course requires the completion of a graded CPTED Field Assessment and Presentation - this requires an on site visit to a pre-approved location in your community.

  • The Advanced CPTED course includes 3 graded hands-on activities.

  • Both the Basic & Advanced CPTED courses conclude with a final exam - a minimum score of 80% is required to pass each course.


  • How is the course curriculum presented?

    The course information is presented in a presentation format with audio to provide greater detail. There are some short videos that illustrate the material presented in each module. Throughout the modules there will be short 5 questions quizzes after each topic is completed. There are three graded projects included in the course. At the conclusion of the course there is a 50 question final exam.

  • What is required for the graded CPTED Field Assessment and Presentation?

    You will need to locate a site within your community and have it approved by the NICP. Once approved, you will visit the site and utilizing a CPTED Field Assessment form you will conduct a CPTED site assessment. You will then put together a presentation of your findings following the presentation rubric provided. You will submit both your field form, and presentation for a grade. While visiting the site you will need to take pictures, conduct user interviews, and talk with a property stakeholder about issues being experienced at the site. You will also be required to collect demographics and crime data for the site.